Dear reader. Many people are struggling in these turbulent times. That is why this article was written, for comfort, and encouragement. It is mainly a compilation of inspirations from the Dutch author Marieke de Vrij with a little bit of extra information from me, placed in italics.

The article tells about the Name Practise, the ‘Plus 1 Factor’ and other information released by Marieke during a so called ‘Friends Day’ of The Free Maere foundation in 2014, and during a doctors meeting that took place longer ago. Today, July 7, 2024, this article has been completely revised (first published in 2020), but is even more actual than ever. So here comes!


Did you know that we are part of an indivisible whole? A spark of God lives in each of us, and that light can never, ever be extinguished. For God is indivisible, even though He is divided into all of us. Does that sounds strange, a bit weird to say the least? Well yes, the information is indeed somewhat unusual. This is also evident from the following.


During the introduction of the Name Practice on April 17, 2013, released to the Committee to Safeguard the Name Practice, Marieke de Vrij said the following words:

The name that you have appropriated, because it was as it were, ‘given’ to you, usually by your parents, is what your incarnation is linked to with a certain ‘authority to command’.

Through the Name Practice, not only gifts and talents from previous lives can partly return, but there are also new assignments to be done. These are an extension of ‘becoming who you can be’, to become, as it were, ‘consciously more aware’ of what you are, more than just what is visible!


The Name Practise as a certain exercise might need a little bit more introduction as to how that can be accomplished. Explained very simply, the Name Practice involves thinking of the word ‘I’, so this is the ‘I’ of ‘I am’, after which you ‘invite’ your name to place it -in your thoughts- after the ‘I’.

This name can be your first name or nickname, but also your full name with surname, or for example a pet name that someone once gave you. Usually the name that is relevant for that moment will come up in your thoughts, even when you didn’t think about it at all. And that may be the name you want to work with for that moment when one turns within oneself while taking a moment of rest.

While one repeats the ‘I’ and let it also repeatedly follow up with one’s name, one can start to contemplate on it.
One one can be in a receptive state, usually by quieting the mind and making oneself empty. But hey, if if you can’t (that’s me often), that’s okay too, all it takes is making an efford to do so! Sometimes just one letter of the name draws one’s attention, it’s shape or sound, or a whole syllable appears more prominent that way.


One can then focus more on what emerges, since it can have a special meaning for you at that particular moment. Sometimes even the spaces in between the letters have a meaning. As odd as it may sound, while working with ones name, these observations may come up, or they may require your attention all of a sudden.

It is also possible that certain associations emerge, or a word enters one’s mind, for instance together with the sound of certain syllables. Then pay attention, what does it inform you about. Sometimes one suddenly sees an image in one’s mind, or one gets back a memory, or a clear insight or idea. So now one knows how to deal with a certain problem or circumstance.


Sometimes one can also feel an indefinable feeling or sadness and through the name practice learn to accept and recognize this, acknowledge its there without judgement, and then let it be released. It can also happen the other way around, and the pet name that comes to mind actually offers comfort or even joy. This might happen when it is needed to strengthen you, and give you the necessary energy or confidence to continue on one’s life path. All in all we may conclude that so much can be attachted to a name!

Thats why there are quite a lot of different variations of name practises that can be applied in diverse situations. As the matter of fact, many many insights can be derived from your name. In a way it’s like consulting your name and gaining insights through either meditation or with the aid of the Name Practice. By the way, your name itself can also have many other meanings. For instance when you’re named after a certain family member or other person.

Or when the name itself has a meaning, for instance the last name refers to the name of a town or village or area  where one of your ancestors came from. It may also contain a profession, or a charecteristic of one of your ancestors.

There is a great variety in the meaning of names. The first name often also has a meaning, or is derived from the meaning it had in the past. Sometimes these can be traced back. A name can also have more meanings, for it’s historical value, how it originated, but can also encompass personal meanings for oneself. Your name, as well as your date of birth, also have various numerological numbers. And all of this may resonate in your life.

Probably one day the Name Practice will be explained more in detail for a larger audience. For now we would love to touch on the basic principles first. These are also easy to practice with, but are powerful at the same time. For instance, we can practice to invite our personal name, or if one prefers one’s birth name. This can be the first and last name and also with the middle names in between. The full name one gets by birth, also called your birth name, is the most powerful.


Once this name is carefully anchored in you, and you can ‘be’ with the constellation in which you have been embedded from birth, and when there is no longer any friction, then you can much more effortlessly form the connect with your own soul life, and continue the consciousness processes much faster and easier, which have to do with expanding your possibilities.

So it is not about the ‘ego-I’, but about our ‘natural-I’.
(More about the difference between the two later on in this article).


And because the ‘great spiritual being’ of every human being remains in the immaterial areas, and only one part is split off for the current incarnation, it is therefore very important that that which has been split off, that part that is earthly competent, will show itself, and is included in the teaching, in order to thereby incarnate on Earth more awareness of one’s own greater spiritual being. The more self-evident this is accepted, the easier you can consult your ‘greater spiritual being’ at any time.


So symbolically, if you place yourself outside yourself, by living an image of yourself that is not entirely authentic, then you are not properly able to incarnate the greater spiritual being of yourself in ‘I’….. and then followed by your name. So your name is, as it were, the funnel into which everything more than you are can sink. Does that metafor make sense a bit?


But what possibly does the ‘friction’ as I just expressed mean? My experience is that already at the beginning of life, in the sense of your parents, your brothers, your sisters, but also the community in which you are born, the family as a whole, everything is available to challenge your awareness process.

The people and the environment are pawns in the great game of heaven with only one mission. And that assignment is that you become aware of yourself and dare to have the courage to develop yourself according to your own, I would say: according to your own ‘SELF-image’, and then ‘SELF’ written in capital letters!


And all those pawns are the challenging factors and/or the supporting factors therein. But every role assigned to it is not without reason. So even those who may be most related to you, but who can sometimes make things most difficult for you, have positions to uplift who you are.


And only when you can be at peace with the role they have played in your life, at that moment you can really integrate your name. But if you have difficulty accepting the pawns in the game of heaven, it is also difficult for you to rest in your name. So they are the challengers to come to self-confession. (Of course, that is not always easy).


And what happens if you keep pointing fingers at them for their failing behavior, even if you have every right to do so? If you stay in that position for too long, you will not be able to fully understand who you really are, because you lose time with projections.

And only when you dare to recognize all those positions that the people around you have, as a maximum challenge to learn to stay true to yourself and become yourself, then you can have more and more effortless contact with yourself from the natural ‘I’ soul.


Then you can practice speaking and acting soulfully. And from there the floodgates can be opened to your greater spiritual being. And that is many times greater than what can take place in one incarnation. As a sidenote, one can also certainly ask oneself who is NOT failable? Do you know such a person? Or is it possibly you yourself? Definitely not, right?


So that name anchoring also has to do with: ‘I am prepared for this life’, instead of: ‘I would have wanted a better life’, or ‘I so much wish I was way more talented’, or whatever. It has to do with truly respecting the natural order in which this situation is most in line with your spiritual development, in order to gain awareness of your greater nature.


Precisely by entering into this incarnation and seeing that there are no mistakes, but that the Divine plan had the right thing in mind for you, then you understand that you are meant to be where you are. And it is up to you to take on the leading role in your own life, namely that you are the center of the universe. And every person can be that of his own universe.


And with that you are in practice in relation to everything you meet, in order to relate self-awareness to it. And so you can, as it were, focus your own nature on your natural authenticity. That’s better than sliding along (with the ego) by making something you are not today, wishing that you will be one day. So the trick is to really dare to express yourself in the natural.


And the environment challenges you to do that anyway. Because every further step taken in your life is also all about expanding your conscious awareness here on earth. As a result, you can slowly allow that greater spiritual being to sink more and more into matter. But is that simple? No, because then we would have finished with one life. It’s usually not like that, if ever! And so it just takes us a very long time, because life is so vast, so spacious.


Some time ago during a doctor’s consultation I received an enormously impressive inspiration. At that time, ‘morphogenetic fields’ were first known. And it also showed that you can see the whole in one part, as in a hologram.

This refers to the expression that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. I had to look it up: A hologram is a three-dimensional image created by reconstruction of light waves, without the help of a lens.


My guidance explained that the hologram was not yet the final image, but that the following would eventually be discovered:

“The Divine has deposited one specific part in everything that has been created, which only occurs in the Divine. And you will only find the whole in that one specific part if you keep the holographic principle in mind.

The holographic principle means that in everything created there is a ‘plus 1 factor’, which only lies in that created thing. And only at the moment that creation starts to manifest itself in that +1 factor, then all of creation can be put together like jigsaw puzzle pieces, so that the Divine knows itself reflected in his creation.”

And that also means that the Name Practise is anchored in a person as part of that +1 factor. When we manage to activate this, only then can the individual puzzle pieces form a commonality, like in a jigsaw puzzle, so that the Divine is reflected. And that is also why we have to look it in the eye, as it were, so that that Divine light can find its reflection in us to activate that +1 part. So regardless of what we share in common in which the part reflects the whole, that +1 factor is crucial.


Also important in the Name Practise is the recognition that God has not made a mistake, and that you are meant to be there, and that you can therefore also shine in who you are. And you see this, for example, in the 10 most common diseases that the population in the Netherlands suffers from. Then you only see reflected in those diseases ’the drifting away from the core’.

That is how my guidance experiences illness. And what does drifting away from the core mean for the soul’s life,  thus for the natural ‘I’ life, and also for how your body as a ’temple of the soul’ suffers from it?

So their ‘diagnosis’ is a very special diagnosis, because they do not work with the outcome of clinical pictures, but describe the drifting of the inner life as a clinical picture. The beauty of the message behind it is: Dare to live in who you truly can be.


What we work with in the Name Exercise is the natural ‘I’, because only the natural ‘I’ has a direct line of connection with the soul life of yourself. And sometimes, while the Name Exercise is going on, and people start to say it out loud, I sense from the way in which a person names the ‘I’ whether he does so from his ‘ego-I’, or from his ‘misrecognition’ I’, or his ‘proud-I’.


And the practice is that the natural ‘I’ accompanies the name, where the natural ‘I’ includes simplicity and self-acceptance. The exercise of pronouncing the word ‘I’ purely from the natural ‘I’ is part of the Name exercise. Because wherever you inflate or diminish the ‘I’, the name cannot be enlivened in its natural gradation. So when the ‘I’ is not practiced to be pronounced neutrally from self-acceptance and simplicity, the name in its normal name sound still cannot reveal its full potential.


So, my intention with the Name Exercise is to always include the word ‘I’ in the resonance as an exercise, to give the ‘I’ an optimal chance in its neutral role towards the soul, because the other ‘I’s’ are much being able to maintain too little connection directly with the life of the soul. In fact, they are quite closed off from it altogether. So the practice of what the natural ‘I’ is, is very important!


So everything that is created by what we call the Divine, is given something specifically unique, which is not found in any of the other creatures. And that which is too great for us to imagine, the Divine, that which we give a name, but cannot know to that extent, has deposited something in us…

And we must all bring that to consciousness, so that which has created everything, knows itself reflected. It is a very big phenomenon, this fact. And that means that hidden deep within us is something so unique, given to us in such great respect, to the individuality of the being that you express as creation, that our journey through our subconscious field takes us there.


And then we must have the courage to manifest that. And only then can we realize how deeply the Divine loves us. So all that self-denial, all that happening in which we dress up better than we actually know we are, has to do with the fact that we have too little respect that God loves us. Because we have already been assessed. For sure!


So it is the journey home to that which is already there, and to accept that in consciousness. So that we dare to manifest it.

And now the question is for you: Do you dare?

In Love and Light,
Margreet Otto.

More in Dutch language about the source of the Name Practice can be found here:


And then for encouragement, below is a poem by Marieke de Vrij, entitled:
‘The Dwelling of God’.



You are all the dwelling place of God.
How can I wish,

that there is a split,
among those who serve Me?
All of you,
carries My Light within.
You all have the task,
to stand in your own inner way.
This is how your heart opens,
and see your brothers and sisters.
See how difficult this way is.
And how you need one another
in support.
No way so heavy,
or friendship
lightens her.